Employment news

Employment News Paper / Rojgar Samachar Patra is a Employment journal issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India every week. This Employment newspaper is very useful for job seekers to know about the latest Govt. Jobs / Sarkari Naukri. Normally, this Employment News Paper Cost Rs 12. You can download that from here in PDF format Free of Cost.

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Employment News

Employment news [21.10.23 to 27.10.23]

Employment news [14.10.23 to 20.10.23]

Employment news [07.10.23 to 13.10.23]

Employment news [30.09.23 to 06.10.23]

Employment news [23.09.23 to 29.09.23]

Employment news [16.09.23 to 22.09.23]

Employment news [09.09.23 to 15.09.23]

Employment news [02.09.23 to 08.09.23]

Employment news [26.08.23 to 01.09.23]

HornJobs :- Employment News / Rojgar Samachar

Employment News, also known as "Rojgar Samachar" in Hindi, is a publication that holds immense significance in the Indian job market. For decades, it has been a go-to source for job seekers and students, offering valuable information on job vacancies, educational opportunities, career guidance, and government policies. This article delves into the history, features, and impact of Employment News and highlights its enduring role in connecting individuals with employment and educational prospects.

The origins of Employment News can be traced back to the time before independence. The newspaper is the result of a merger of two pre-independence magazines, "Employment Exchange" and "Rojgar Samachar." Throughout the time of British slavery, several magazines were started to help Indians obtain jobs. There was a clear demand for a single platform to notify the public about government job opportunities and give them useful knowledge about various career options when India got independence in 1947. As a result, "Employment News" was created, reaching people that spoke Hindi and English. Since then, the newspaper has kept up with the times, evolving to accommodate new developments in technology.